Category Archives: Adaptation

Our adaptation of H. G. Wells’s Country of the Blind (Ch4)

Along a path in the valley below, Nunez saw three men. The men walked slowly in line, one next to the other. Their clothes were made of llama wool. On their heads, they wore black hats; and in their hands, they had pails. Nunez was happy to see the men. He stood on a rock and shouted. His voice echoed around the valley.

The three men stopped and looked around. They looked left and right. ‘Up here!’ Nunez shouted and waved, but the men did not see him. The men walked this way and that, but they still did not see Nunez. `The fools must be blind,’ Nunez said angrily. ‘What’s the matter with them?’

Finally, Nunez decided to go to the three men. He climbed down and came towards the small group.

The three men stood side by side; their ears directed at him, not looking at him, listening to his steps. They looked a little afraid. Nunez could not see their eyes; they were closed and sunk deep in their heads.

‘There is a man,’ one of the men said. ‘It is a man, and he is coming down from the mountain.’

Nunez walked towards them confidently. Now he understood: the men were blind. Nunez remembered all the old stories about The Country of the Blind, and he thought about an old proverb from long ago.

`In the Country of the Blind – the one-eyed man is king.’

Chapter 3 of H.G.Wells’s classic story The Country of the Blind

Nunez was a mountaineer. He was also a sailor, but he liked to climb the most. He was a good climber, and he was in Ecuador to climb Parascotopetl, the ‘Matterhorn of the Andes’. On the way to the top of Parascotopetl, Nunez had an accident and fell. He fell down the east of Parascotopetl and landed in deep snow. His companions searched hard but could not find him. After some time, they gave up: they believed Nunez was dead. But Nunez survived.

Nunez fell over a thousand feet down an icy slope. He did not break a single bone. But when he landed, he lay unconscious for a while. When Nunez eventually opened his eyes, he saw a valley far below. There were many trees, and he saw small, stone houses too. He did not know it, but it was the Country of the Blind. He stood up. His bones and muscles ached from the fall, but slowly he started to climb down towards the valley. On the way, he saw many beautiful flowers and crops in the valley’s fields. He also saw llamas and huts to keep them in. After a long climb, he reached the houses. They were small with no windows. The houses were covered with a brown, muddy plaster. It was thick and untidy.

‘The man who put on that plaster,’ Nunez thought, ‘must be blind.’

He kept on walking; and soon, he saw some woman and children.

At last, he felt safe.

Adaptation of H.G. Wells’s classic short story: The Country of the Blind (Ch2)

After some time, the world forgot about the people in the valley.

But the valley people did not worry. Life there was easy: the valley had no dangerous insects or dangerous animals. Instead, it was full of useful plants, clean water, and gentle llamas.

The valley people also did not worry much about becoming blind. It happened slowly. At first, the old people lost their eyesight; then the not so old. Soon, every newborn child was born blind. And when sight finally died out, the valley people lived on. They did not need their eyes to make a fire, to cook, or to move around. The valley was their home, and they knew every part of it. Generation after generation lived without the use of their eyes. They forgot many things but learned many others. Decades passed. The valley people were happy. Then a stranger came to the valley – a man from the outside world, a mountaineer.

His arrival changed everything.

New adaptation: H. G. Wells’s classic short story The Country of the Blind (Ch1)

Three hundred miles from Chimborazo and one hundred miles from the snow of Cotopaxi – deep in Ecuador’s Andes Mountains – there is a green valley. Most men do not know about it – it is a mystery. But the valley has a name, and its name is The Country of the Blind. Many years ago, the valley was open and many people went there: the sad, the hungry, and the poor. They went there because they wanted to escape difficult lives in their own countries. So they climbed over the steep slopes and icy glaciers of the Andes and settled in that beautiful place. Then, years later, an earthquake caused a landslide. Mud and rocks came down the side of a mountain and cut off the path to The Country of The Blind forever.

But one man knew about The Country of the Blind because he lived there. When the landslide happened, he was on one side and his family and The Country of the Blind was on the other. After the mud and rocks tumbled down and blocked the path, he never saw his family or the valley again.

He had a story and told everyone. And everyone who heard his tale never forgot it.

The valley, he said, had everything: sweet water, green grass and a warm climate. It had healthy brown soil and trees with fruit; rivers fed the valley from the glacier and helped grow the crops. People and their animals prospered. But one thing happened to mar their happiness. A strange disease hit them – an illness no one understood or could explain.

All the children in the valley were born blind…

Adapted by

You can find the original story here.

Final chapter of The Monkey’s Paw

Mr White sat and waited. A *candle burned in the corner of the room. Mrs White looked out the window. But nothing happened. ‘The wish didn’t come true,’ thought Mr White, and he felt glad. Then the candle spluttered and went out. In the darkness, Mr White slowly walked over to his bed and got in. After some time, his wife came and sat on the bed. They didn’t speak. Both heard the ticking of the clock downstairs. It was a windy night, and the house made other noises too: the stairs *squeaked and the gate *banged outside. After some time, Mr White got out of bed. His wife sat silently. She stared into the dark. Mr White found some *matches. He lit one and went back downstairs for a candle.

The wind still howled outside. At the bottom of the stairs, the match went out. Mr White tried to light another. Then he heard it. At first, he thought it was the wind. But it was a knock, a soft knock: the sound of *knuckles against wood. *Terror flooded through Mr White’s body. He dropped the matches on the floor. He stared at the door. The knock came again. This time, he turned and ran up the stairs to his room. He closed the bedroom door, but there was another knock from downstairs.

‘What is that?’ Mrs White cried.

‘Nothing,’ said the old man.

Another knock. This time, it was loud and heavy.

`It’s Herbert,’ said Mrs White. ‘It’s him!’ She ran to the bedroom door, but Mr White stood in front of her. He took her by the arm and held her. ‘What are you going to do?’ he shouted.

‘It’s my boy. It’s Herbert,’ she cried. `I forgot the cemetery was two miles away. Why are you holding me? Let me go, I must open the door.’

`No please,’ *begged Mr White, ‘don’t let it in!’

‘Are you afraid of your own son?’ screamed Mrs White. ‘Let me go. I’m coming Herbert… I’m coming.’

There was another knock, and then another and another. The old woman broke free of her husband and ran down the stairs. He called after her, but she didn’t stop. He followed her and heard the first *bolt on the door start to open. ‘Come quick,’ his wife cried, `I cannot free the second bolt. It is too high.’

But Mr White did not come to help her. He wanted to find the monkey’s paw. He wanted to find it before the thing outside got in. More knocks at the door: long, slow and loud. Mr White looked up and saw his wife put a chair against the door and stand on it. His wife began to pull at the second bolt; but at the same moment, Mr White found the monkey’s paw, and he made his last wish.

Suddenly, the knocking stopped. Mr White heard the bolt slide, the chair go back and the front door open. Then the cold wind howled, and so did his wife. He ran to the door.

Outside, there was nothing but a quiet, empty street.

Adaptation by


*candle – a long stick of wax

*squeaked – a high-pitched sound

*banged – hit together nosily

*matches – thin pieces of wood for lighting fires

*knuckles – the bony part of the fist

*terror – great fear

*begged – pleaded

*bolt – a large, metal pin that is used to stop a door from opening

Our adaptation of The Monkey’s Paw (Ch6)

In a big cemetery* two miles from their house, Mr and Mrs White buried* their son. Then they came back to their house, their hearts heavy with sadness*. Their son was dead. It all happened so quickly. Mr Mrs White could not think of life without Herbert. The days passed, long, lonely and silent. They did not speak to each other. There was nothing to talk about.

About two weeks after Herbert’s death, Mr White woke up in bed. It was the middle of the night. He put out his hand… his wife was not there. It was dark in the room, but he could hear the sound of his wife’s crying hear him. He lay and listened.

‘Come back to bed,’ he said after a while. ‘It’s cold.’

‘It is colder for Herbert,’ said his wife.

Mr White’s eyes were heavy with sleep, and he soon fell asleep again. But then a long cry from his wife awoke him again.

‘The paw,’ she cried, ‘the monkey’s paw!’

Mr White sat up in bed. ‘What? What is the matter?’

Mrs White came out of the darkness of the room. Her eyes were wild* and staring. `I want the paw,’ she said. `Where is it?’

`Downstairs in the cupboard,’ said Mr White. ‘Why?’

Mrs White laughed and cried at the same time. ‘We have two more!’

`Two more of what?’ Mr White asked.

‘Two wishes,’ said Mrs White. ‘We have two more wishes!’

`Was one not enough? ` Mr White said angrily.

‘You don’t understand,’ cried Mrs White. ‘We can use the paw. Go and get it and we can wish for our boy to be alive again.’

Mr White stared at his wife. ‘Are you mad*?’ he asked.

‘Get it,’ cried Mrs White, ‘get it quickly and wish…Herbert’s life depends on it.’

‘Get back into bed,’ said Mr White. ‘You don’t know what you are saying.’

But Mrs White continued. `The first wish came true,’ she said, her eyes full of tears. `Why not the second? Go and get it and make a wish!’

‘Herbert died more than ten days ago,’ said Mr White, his voice shaking. ‘We cannot wish for this…’

‘Bring him back,’ said Mrs White. ‘Bring my boy back.’

Slowly, Mr White got out of bed. He went downstairs and into the kitchen. Then, he opened the cupboard and looked in. The monkey’s paw was still there. The wind howled outside and in the dark Mr White became afraid. His body went cold and his legs shook. With the paw in his hand, he went back upstairs and into the bedroom.

His wife sat on the bed waiting. She watched him closely from mad eyes. Mr White was afraid of his own wife.

‘Make a wish,’ Mrs White cried in a strong voice. ‘Bring my boy back. Do it.’

‘I can’t,’ said Mr White. ‘I…’

‘Do it!’ cried Mrs White.

Slowly, Mr White held up his right hand and began to say the words…`I wish my son alive again.’

Adapted by


*cemetery – a place where dead bodies are put under the ground, a burial place

*buried – put under the ground

*sadness – unhappiness

*wild – unthinking, without reason, without restraint

*mad – crazy

Adaptation of The Monkey’s Paw (Ch5) – A classic supernatural tale

Mrs White welcomed the stranger into the house. The man did not look happy. He stood silently and Mr and Mrs White waited quietly for him to speak.

After a while the man started. ‘I’m from…’ he said but stopped. He looked at the floor and moved his feet. He started again. ‘I’m from Maw and Meggins… the factory in town…’

Mr and Mrs White recognized this name immediately. Their son, Herbert worked at Maw and Meggins.

‘Is there something wrong?’ Mrs White asked suddenly. ‘Did something happen to Herbert? What is it? Tell me.’

‘Please, dear,’ said Mr White. ‘Sit down for a moment. We do not know anything yet. Perhaps this man has good news for us.’ Mr White looked at the man, but the man looked sad. ‘I’m sorry,’ the man said. ‘I have bad news. Your son is badly hurt, but he is not in any pain.’

Mrs White started to speak: `Thank God for that. Thank…’ she said, but then she stopped and looked at her husband. His face was very sad. Suddenly, she understood. Her mouth dropped open, but no noise came out. Mr White slowly reached out and took his wife’s hand.

`Herbert…fell into the machinery,’ said the man in a low voice.

`Fell into the machinery,’ Mr White repeated quietly. He squeezed his wife’s hand and looked out of the window. No one spoke and a heavy silence fell over the room. Mr White held his wife’s hand tightly. When he spoke again, his voice was weak. ‘He was our only child,’ he said. ‘Our poor, poor boy.’

The man nodded and walked to the window. `Maw and Meggins want me to tell you…’ He stopped. The next words were difficult for him to say. `Well, they are very, very sorry.’

There was no reply. The old woman’s face was white and the old man’s eyes were red and tearful. But the man had to continue. `Maw and Meggins want you to know…that they are not to blame for the accident, but…they will pay money to you – as compensation.’

The old man stood up. He looked afraid. `How much money?’ he asked.

`Two hundred pounds,’ the man from Maw and Meggins said.

Mrs White screamed and a moment later, she fell onto the floor.

adapted by


welcomed – said hello, greeted

immediately – at once, without delay

pain – discomfort, uneasiness

machinery – machines for producing goods

tearful – full of tears

compensation – money award to someone when there has been an accident

The Monkey’s Paw (Ch4) – an adaptation of the classic supernatural tale

Next morning, it was sunny. Mr White laughed at himself. ‘Why was I so afraid last night? he wondered. He sat at the kitchen table and ate his breakfast. The sun shone through the window and everything seemed well. He looked at the monkey’s paw and shook his head.

Mrs White came into the room. She looked at the monkey’s paw too. ‘All soldiers are the same,’ she said. ‘They have lots of stories, but none of them are true.’

‘Perhaps it is true,’ said Herbert to his father. ‘Perhaps the money is going to drop on your head from the sky.’ Herbert laughed but Mr White did not.

‘Sergeant Major Morris believed* the story. And the paw moved in my hand. I felt it,’ said Mr White.

Herbert stood up. ‘ Well, I have to go to work. But when the money comes, don’t spend it all. Please wait until I get back home,’ he said with a smile.

Mr White shook his head.

Mrs White laughed and followed her son to the front door. Herbert opened the door and said goodbye. Mrs White watched her only child walk down the path and go off to work.

She closed the door and sat back down at the table with her husband. `Herbert likes joking*,’ she said.

‘Yes,’ said her husband, ‘he does.’


Later that day, there was a knock at the door. It was the postman. Mrs White took the letters from him and looked at them. There was a bill. Mrs White sighed. She showed it to Mr White. ‘We don’t have any money to pay it,’ she said.

‘The paw moved in my hand last night. I felt it,’ said Mr White.

‘Perhaps you made a mistake…’ suggested Mrs White.

‘No!’ said Mr White. ‘It…’ Mr White stopped talking and looked at his wife. ‘What’s the matter?’

Mrs White did not reply. She looked out the kitchen window and Mr White looked too. They watched a man outside their house. The man walked past their house and stopped; then he came back. Then he walked away again. Then he stopped, shook his head and returned. Three times he did all of this and Mr and Mrs White watched him do it. Finally, he walked away, stopped suddenly, opened the garden gate*, and walked up the garden path.

A moment later, there was a knock at the door.

Mrs White stood up and went to the door.

Adaption by


*believed – thought something was true

*joking – saying something funny

*gate – entrance

The Monkey’s Paw (Ch3): Our adaptation of the classic supernatural tale

Sergeant Major Morris finished his stories and his supper*. It was time for him to leave and catch his train. They all said goodnight, and Mr White closed the door behind his friend.

‘I wonder*…’ said Herbert. ‘Is the story about the monkey’s paw is true?’

Mr White said nothing.

`Did you give him some money for the little paw?’ Mrs White asked.

‘A little,’ said Mr White. `He didn’t want anything. He told me to throw* the paw away.’

`Well,’ said Herbert with a smile, `we are going to be rich, famous and happy. Wish to be a king* father!’

Mr White took the monkey’s paw out of his pocket and looked at it. ‘I have everything that I want,’ he said, looking at his family with love. ‘Even kings don’t have that.’

`What about buying the house?’ Herbert said excitedly. `We only need two hundred pounds.’

`Now that is a good idea,’ said Mr White and smiled at his wife. He held the monkey’s paw up high in his right hand. `I wish for two hundred pounds,’ he said; but suddenly he cried out and dropped the paw. His wife and son ran to him.

‘It moved!’ he said, looking at the paw. It was now on the floor. ‘It moved in my hand.’

‘Well,’ said Herbert, `I don’t see any money.’ He picked up the monkey’s paw and put it on the table.

`Did you really feel that?’ asked Mrs White.

Mr White shook his head. Now, he was not so sure. `Never mind*, no one was hurt. I am old and I get afraid easily.’

They sat by the fire and stared at the flames*. The wind outside grew stronger and the windows shook. No one spoke. Finally, Mr and Mrs White got up and went to bed.

‘Goodnight,’ said Herbert. `Perhaps the money is in a big bag in the middle of your bed,’ he said and laughed. His parents heard him, but they said nothing.

Alone, Herbert sat and stared* into the fire. At first, he felt good: the room was warm and the fire was bright, but then he began to see faces, faces in the fire. He watched. At first, the faces were not frightening, but then the faces began to change. The last face was so terrible he nearly cried out. He got up quickly from his chair and put a hand on the table. By accident, he touched the little paw. This time, he cried out.


supper*– a small evening meal

wonder* – feel curious about, want to know more about

throw* – move something through the air with force

king* – male ruler

Never mind* – forget about it, don’t worry

flames* – fire

stared*– kept his eyes on, didn’t look away

Adaptation of The Monkey’s Paw (Ch2)

Sergeant major Morris took a slow drink from his cup; then he put a hand inside his pocket. ‘Look at it,’ he said. On his hand was a small, dry, little paw*. It was very old.

Herbert took it from the sergeant major and looked at it closely. He gave it to his father. ‘What is special about it?’ Herbert asked. He put it on the table. It did not feel very nice.

‘A strange old man put a spell* on it,’ Sergeant major Morris told them. ‘The spell gave three different people three wishes* each.’

‘What is bad about that?’ Mr White asked. ‘Sounds good to me!’

‘Wishes are dangerous,’ said Morris. Suddenly, he looked afraid.

‘Did you have three wishes?’ Herbert asked.

‘Yes,’ said Morris. His face went white and his hand shook. He took a drink from his cup.

‘Did the wishes come true?’ Herbert asked excitedly.

‘Yes,’ said Morris quietly.

‘Did anyone else ask for three wishes?’ Herbert went on.

‘The first owner of the paw had his three wishes,’ Morris told him. ‘I don’t know his first two wishes – but his last one was for death.’

All the people in the room went quiet. The wind outside howled*.

‘I don’t understand,’ said Mr White. ‘Why do you keep it?’

‘I don’t know,’ said Morris, and shook his head. ‘I thought about selling it, but nobody wants to buy it. They think it is a fairy story*. Some want to try it first and then buy.’ He picked up the paw and looked at it. Suddenly he threw it on the fire.

Mr White cried out and took it out the fire before it burned.

‘Better to let it burn,’ said Morris.

‘Can I have it?’ asked Mr White suddenly.

‘The fire is the best place for it,’ said Morris.

Mr White shook his head and smiled. He put the monkey’s paw in his pocket. `You worry too much. How do you do it? How do you make a wish?’

‘You hold it in your right hand and make the wish, but I must tell you of the danger.’

‘It sounds like a fairy story to me,’ said Mrs White and stood up.

Herbert and Mr White laughed. Mr White took it from his pocket again. Morris got hold of his arm and looked him in the eye. ‘I warn you… wish for something good.’

Adaption by


paw* = an animal’s foot

spell* = words that have magical power

wishes* = a hope or a desire

howled* = blew hard and made a noise

fairy story* = a tale, a fictional story

The Monkey’s Paw (Ch1): An adaptation of W W Jacob’s classic supernatural story by EFLShorts

The night was cold and wet. But in the small living room of Laburnam Villa, a fire burned brightly and a father and son played chess*. The father was a good player, but the son was better. His wife watched them play and warmed her hands in front of the fire.

‘Listen to that wind outside,’ said Mr White.

‘I can hear it,’ said Herbert, his son. He looked at the chess pieces and moved one of the pieces. ‘Check*!’ he said.

It’s bad weather out there,’ said Mr White. He wanted to distract* his son, but it didn’t work.

Checkmate*,’ said Herbert and smiled.

‘This is the worst thing about living far away from town,’ said Mr White. ‘Almost no-one wants to come this far on a stormy night.’ He was angry because he lost the game.

‘Perhaps you can win the next game,’ said Mrs White.

Mr White looked up quickly and saw his wife and son smile at each other. He smiled to himself.

Suddenly, there was a noise outside. His wife turned.

‘It’s him,’ said Mr White. He stood up and unlocked* the door. Dead leaves blew across the floor. Then a tall man walked into the small room.

‘Sergeant Major Morris,’ said Mr White.

‘Good evening,’ said the sergeant major and shook hands with Mr White, Herbert and Mrs White. Mrs White gave him a chair and sergeant major Morris sat down beside the fire. She made tea, and the sergeant major drank it slowly. He watched the fire and enjoyed its heat. When he finished the tea, he started to talk. The little family sat and listened carefully. They wanted to know all about their visitor. He spoke of different countries, great adventures and strange people.

‘Twenty-one years of travel,’ said the sergeant major. ‘When I left, I was a young man…’

‘I want to go to India,’ said Mr White, ‘and see the country. It is very beautiful, I think.’

‘Better to stay at home,’ said the sergeant major, and he shook his head.

‘Tell that story again,’ said Mr White. ‘Tell the story about the monkey’s paw.’

The sergeant major said nothing, but his face was serious*.

‘The monkey’s paw?’ said Mrs White. ‘That sounds interesting.’

The sergeant major looked into the fire.

Mrs White took his cup and put more tea in it.

‘Very well,’ said the sergeant major after some time. ‘You want to hear the story of the monkey’s paw, so here it is…’

Adapted from a story by W W Jacobs by


*chess – a board game

*check  a position in chess in which the opponent’s king is under direct attack

*distract – take away someone’s focus or attention

*checkmate – the capture of the opponent’s king

*unlocked – to open (a door) with a key

*serious – not laughing, thinking carefully

Adaptation of H. G. Wells’s The Treasure in the Forest (Ch6) Final chapter

Hooker put the gold back onto the shirt. He was very afraid now. He did not want to be alone in the forest with his sick friend. He was far from help and nobody knew about his trip with Evans to the island. Hooker looked at his friend. He could not carry both the gold and Evans. He began to put gold on the shirt. The gold was heavy, so he did it slowly. He lifted the last piece of gold and something hurt his finger. He looked at his hand. There was a thorn in it and there was blood on his fingers. The thorn was two centimetres in length*. It was long and thin – like a tooth.

Suddenly, Evans cried loudly and fell onto the grass.

Hooker’s mouth dropped open. He looked at the thorn in his finger. He looked at Evans. Evans’s body shook and he cried out in pain. Hooker looked at all the trees, bushes and the big white flowers. He thought about the Chinaman’s body and looked again at Evans. He remembered the map, the marks at the bottom of it and the Chinese writing. At that time, he couldn’t understand the marks. But now he understood.

The marks were the shape* of the thorns.

‘Oh, help me!’ Hooker said quietly.

`Evans!’ cried Hooker. But Evans was quiet. His eyes were open, but they did not move.

Hooker put his finger into his mouth and sucked* his finger hard. But it was too late. He felt pain in his hands, arms and neck and he couldn’t move his fingers. He sat down. The forest was silent*. He thought about Chang Li’s smiling face. He looked at Evans’s body and then looked up. A little wind moved through the trees. From one of them, a big white flower fell down and landed* on the ground in front of him.

Pain shook his body.

His death was quick.

Adaption by


length – how long something is from end to end

shape – how something looks, its appearance

sucked – pulled something into the mouth

silent – without any sound, soundless, completely quiet

landed – fell, dropped, reached the ground

Adaptation of H G Well’s Treasure in the Forest (Ch5)

‘What are you afraid of?’ Evans asked. Suddenly, he was very angry with Hooker.

‘I am going to bury* the body,’ said Hooker.

‘Leave it!’ Evans said and he put more gold onto the shirt. ‘Help me carry this; forget about the body.’

Hooker still looked at the body. ‘He is so similar to*…’

‘Don’t be stupid,’ said Evans. ‘It is not him. Now, do you want the gold or not?’

Hooker didn’t hear Evans. The face of the dead Chinaman reminded* him of Chang-Li’s. ‘But his face and his mouth… is he smiling?’ Hooker looked around the forest and up at the trees. He looked at the big white flowers. He looked back at the body. He felt cold in the warm forest, and he felt very far away from home.

‘What’s the matter with you?’ Evans asked.

Suddenly, Hooker jumped into the hole. ‘Nothing! Let’s get the treasure out of this hole and then we can go home.’

‘Good!’ said Evans. He smiled. But then he put his hand on his forehead*. ‘I don’t feel well. My arms and neck hurt.’

‘Perhaps it’s the heat,’ said Hooker.

‘Perhaps,’ said Evans. After a minute, Hooker took his hand away from his forehead. Then together the two men pulled the shirt with the gold on it out of the hole.

When the gold was out of the hole, Hooker looked at Evans. ‘Do you want to go to the boat or bury the gold on the island?’ he asked.

‘To the boat,’ said Evans.

They picked up the gold and began to walk. But the gold was very heavy.

‘Stop!’ said Evans after a few minutes. ‘I must rest*.’

They put down the gold, and Evans sat down. His face was white and sweat* ran down it. ‘It is too warm in this forest,’ he said; and then suddenly with much anger: ‘Come on, Hooker, let’s go!’ He stood up quickly. ‘Come on!’ he said again, and they began carrying the shirt with the gold in it. They carried it for another minute. But then Evans stopped and dropped the shirt again. This time, some gold fell onto the ground.

‘What is the matter?’ Hooker asked.

Evans looked but said nothing. Rivers of sweat ran silently down his face.

‘Are you okay?’ Hooker asked and went towards his friend.

‘Don’t come near me!’ Evans cried and went and stood against a tree.

Again Hooker went to help his friend.

‘Don’t touch me,’ Evans said in a quiet voice. ‘Put the gold back on the shirt.’

‘What’s the matter?’ Hooker asked, afraid.

‘Put the gold back on the shirt and let’s go,’ said Evans.

 Adapted by


bury – put under the ground

similar to – alike, not different

reminded – made you think about again, helped remember

forehead – front part of the head above the eyes

rest – not work, not move, relax

sweat – liquid that helps cool our bodies

Adaptation of Treasure in the Forest (Ch4)

Evans and Hooker walked slowly forwards*. It was a body. It lay behind the bushes, face down in the grass. Evans bent down and looked closely at the dead man’s face. He turned him over.

‘Who is he?’ Hooker asked.

‘I don’t know….He was a Chinaman,’ Evans said.

‘How long ago did he die?’ Hooker asked.

Evans looked at the Chinaman. His face was black and purple. ‘Perhaps a month,’ said Evans. Beside the body, there was a shovel*. Evans looked to his left and saw lots of dirt* and a big hole in the ground. ‘Is the treasure near here?’ he asked himself. He looked up. ‘There are the three palm trees,’ he said quietly.

‘What?’ Hooker asked. He didn’t hear his friend. He came forward and looked at the Chinaman’s body. `Did he find the treasure?’ he wondered*. `Is it still here?’ Then he saw the hole and he ran to it. `Evans,’ he called, `come here! Come and see!’

Evans walked towards Hooker.

‘The treasure is all still here,’ said Hooker. ‘Look!’

Evans looked. Hooker was right; here was all the treasure. He jumped down into the bottom of the hole. In the dirt under his feet, he saw yellow gold bars*. He touched the pieces of gold with his fingers.

‘Ouch!’ Evans looked at his hand. A little thorn* was in his finger. He pulled out the thorn and cleaned the dirt off the gold bar. ‘Only gold is so heavy,’ he thought.

Hooker frowned*.

`What is the matter?’ Evans asked.

`I don’t know,’ said Hooker. ‘I don’t like it.’

‘What do you not like?’

‘That dead Chinaman,’ said Hooker. `Why is he alone? Why is the treasure still in the hole?’

‘He was alone,’ said Evans angrily.

`Then, why is he dead?’

‘A snake bit him or he was ill or…’ Evans stopped. ‘Oh, I don’t know and it doesn’t matter. We are rich!’ He was sick of Hooker’s anxiety. He took off his shirt and put three gold bars on top of it. `Oh!’ he suddenly cried.

Another thorn was in his finger.

Adapted by



forwards – to move ahead, to move in the direction that you are facing

shovel – a spade, a tool for digging holes

dirt – earth, soil

wondered – considered, thought about, pondered

bars – blocks (of chocolate, gold, silver…)

frowned – make a face that shows you are angry or puzzled

anxiety – nervousness, worry, fear



Adaptation of Treasure in the Forest (Ch3)

‘There are three palm trees in the forest,’ said Hooker. ‘When we find the three trees, we can find the treasure.’

‘Is it far?’ Evans asked. He looked at the beach.

Do you see the river?’ Hooker said and pointed* a finger. Evans said yes. ‘Somewhere near the river, deep in the forest, there are three palm trees,’ said Hooker. ‘They are next to some bushes* and the treasure is not far from there.’

Evans’s mouth was dry. He looked at the river. ‘Hurry,’ he said. ‘I am very thirsty.’

Hooker paddled* their boat quickly and soon they were at the river. They went under the trees and up the river. After a few minutes, Evans put his hand into the river and took a drink of cold, clean water. ‘Ahhh,’ he said and closed his eyes. ‘This is good water.’

Hooker smiled and drank too.

When they finished drinking, they lay inside their boat and rested.

‘I don’t want to go in the sun again,’ Hooker said. ‘I could lie here all day.’

‘We must go look for the treasure,’ said Evans.

Hooker filled a bottle with water and they started paddling down the river. Soon they arrived at the sea again. Both men got out the small boat and pulled it onto the beach.

Evans pointed at the thick trees and bushes. ‘We must go in there.’

Hooker put his hand inside the boat and lifted up a big knife. ‘We can use this knife to cut a path.’

The two men started cutting at the thick bushes. It was dark under the thousands of trees. ‘It feels cold in here after the hot sun,’ said Evans.

‘We must push through these bushes and find the river again,’ said Hooker. ‘The palm trees are near the river.’

So the men cut a path through the forest. They cut down bushes and they cut down big, white flowers in front of them. The men did not know their names. `Perhaps, we are the first people to find these flowers,’ said Hooker.

‘Perhaps,’ said Evans. ‘Let’s move on – the river can’t be far.’ He was not interested in the flowers. He only wanted the treasure.

It was hot thirsty work, but after a while they heard the noise of water.

‘The river!’ Hooker said.

‘At last,’ said Evans.

The men hurried towards the river, but Hooker stopped suddenly.

‘What is that?’ he said.

Evans looked.

There was someone or something behind the bushes.

Adaption by 



pointed – directed someone’s attention to a particular area, make sure someone looks at something

bushes – a plant, a little like a small tree perhaps

paddled – moved through water using a paddle


Adaptation of H. G. Wells’s Treasure in the Forest (Ch2)

Evans sat in the boat with his eyes half closed. Slowly, the beach grew nearer and nearer. It was noon and the sun was at its hottest. They were near the treasure* but Evans was not excited: he was very tired. ‘I am so tired,’ he thought, `I did not sleep in this boat last night. I need to rest.’

He thought of the treasure and of all the gold. One night a Chinaman told them all about the island, the map and the treasure. He wanted to remember that terrible night but he couldn’t: all he could think about was his dry mouth, the river and a cold drink of water. The sea moved slowly up and down, forward and back. Evans moved in the boat with it. The sea and its noise sounded good. Soon, his eyes closed and he fell asleep.

Evans had a dream about the treasure and Chang-Li.

In the dream, it was night and he and Hooker were in the forest. They wanted to find someone or something. Just then, through the trees, they saw a little fire. Three Chinamen sat around it and talked in quiet voices. The light form the fire lit up the men’s faces. They spoke in English and Hooker heard their words first. He looked excited. He told Evans to go closer. Evans did. Some things Evans understood, some he did not. Chang-Li took the gold from the galleon and hid it carefully on the island. He worked alone and it was his secret, but now he wanted help to get the gold back and gave the Chinamen a map… a fine story for two poor Englishmen to hear. Now the dream changed and Evans saw Chang-Li’s face. At first, it was friendly but then it changed. He became afraid: very, very afraid. Evans saw his own hands around Chang-Li’s neck; Chang-Li cried ‘No!’ and ‘Please!’ over and over again. Then, there was silence. Now all Evans could see was the gold – great big mountains of it. Suddenly Chang Li’s eyes opened and he smiled. Evans’s hands were still around his neck. ‘Evans…’ said Chang-Li, ‘Evans, you fool*, you fool…’

‘Evans… Wake up you fool!’

It was Hooker.

Evans was asleep. He opened his eyes again. They were nearly at the beach.



*treasure – a collection of valuable items (often hidden)

*galleon – an old type of ship

*crew – people on a ship

*fool – idiot



New Story: Adaptation of H.G. Wells’s The Treasure in the Forest (Ch 1)

The island in front of the two men was green with trees and mountains climbed high into the sky. The men in the boat paddled* closer. They could see a beach. It was empty. The sun was hot and the men were thirsty. They wanted to find a river. They needed fresh* water to drink.

One of the men, Evans, said: ‘It is somewhere in there, in the forest*.’

The other man at the front of the boat, Hooker, looked at the beach, the forest and the island closely. A yellow piece of paper sat on his legs.

‘Come and look at this,’ Hooker said.

Evans came along the boat until he could see the paper. The paper looked like a map*. It was old and yellow. There was a drawing of an island on it, but the pencil lines were faint*.

Both men spoke quietly: their mouths were dry with thirst.

‘Look,’ said Evans, ‘here is the beach and the forest and here are the mountains.’ He ran his finger over the paper. It followed the river across the island. ‘I could do with a drink now,’ he said and ran the back of his hand over his mouth. ‘We can get a drink of cold water from the river.’

‘And look at this,’ said Hooker. ‘The blue star on the map is the place. We can follow the river. It goes into the forest; then it goes to the blue star. That is the place! We must be careful. We mustn’t get lost.’

‘Strange,’ said Evans, ‘but those marks* down at the bottom of the map are unusual. They look like glass or teeth. They point this way and that. What are they? And what is that writing? ‘

‘I don’t know about the marks – but the writing is Chinese,’ said Hooker.

‘Of course – he was Chinese,’ said Evans.

‘They all were,’ said Hooker.

Both men sat quietly and looked at the island. The boat moved slowly towards the beach. Evans looked at his paddle. ‘Your turn to paddle now Hooker,’ he said.

Hooker quietly put the map away in his pocket and took the paddle from Evans. He was tired but he kept going. He needed water badly.



*paddled – used an oar to move a boat forward

*fresh – not old, not seawater

*forest – many trees

*map – a diagram that shows where places are

*faint – not strong, difficult to see or hear

*marks – lines, figures or symbols


Adaptation of H. G. Wells’s The Red Room (Chapter 5)

Darkness; everything was black. I tried to see. There was nothing but cold, black shadows. Something moved. What was it? Did the shadows move? I let out a scream*. I tried to stand up. I waved* my arms around me. Again I saw something move and I screamed again. Was that a whisper*? I gave out a cry and ran to the door. I had to get away.

In the dark, I hit the bed. I ran around in the dark. I hit the table and the chair. I cried out again and again. Then I hit my head…

I opened my eyes. It was day and I could see the sun through the window. The old man from downstairs sat by my bed. He watched me closely. The old lady with the yellow teeth was there too.

`What happened?’ I asked. ‘I remember you but that is all.’

`We found you in the morning,’ said the old man. ‘There was blood* on your head.’

Very slowly, I remembered my night in the red room of Lorraine Castle.

`Now do you think there is a ghost in the room?’ asked the old man.

`Yes, ` I said, `the room is haunted*.’

`Did you see it?’ the old man asked. ‘Tell us… who was it? Who is the ghost? Is it the young Duke?’

`No,’ I said, `it is not.’

`Ha!’ said the old woman, `it is the wife, she died in her bed… `

`No, ` I said, `it is not her. There is no ghost of the wife or the Duke in the room. It is not a ghost. It is worse, much worse, than that.’

`What is it then?’ the old woman and man asked.

`It is the worst thing, ` I said. `I could not see it but it was with me in the corridor upstairs and it was with me in the room. ` I looked out the window. `It was darkness and fear.’

`Yes,’ said the old man with the yellow teeth. `I knew it. The dark… it is always there. In the day time it is there. It waits and watches. On a summer’s day in the room, it is there: you can feel it behind you. It has no face or body but you do not want to turn around and see it. It is in the corners at night and behind the curtains*. It lives in this house. It is haunted and that is the room of death.’

I listened to the old man. He was right: I was lucky*. I was lucky to be alive*.



*a scream – a loud, frightened shout

*waved – moved arms (to attract attention or ‘say’ goodbye)

*a whisper – a very quite voice

*blood – the red fluid in our body

*haunted – frequented by a ghost or evil spirit

*curtains – fabric used at windows to block sunlight

*lucky – fortunate

*alive – not dead




Adaptation of H. G. Wells’s The Red Room (Ch4)

At midnight, the candle in the corner went out*. I did not see this: I just* turned around and saw the dark corner.

Was it the wind from out in the corridor? I knew it wasn’t. I walked over and lit the candle again with a match*. Just then, I saw something move on the wall, quick and sudden. I turned my head. The two candles on the table were out.

‘Did I do that?’ I thought. ‘Did I move quickly and the candles went out with my movement*?’ I walked back to light them again. When I did, the candle on my right went out and then the one next to it. No smoke came from the candles. At first, I didn’t understand. I stood and looked at them for a minute. Then the candle next to the bed went out.

‘What’s happening?’ I said. Then the candle in the corner went out again and then another*. One by one candles went out and the dark shadows came in.

‘I need these candles,’ I said. Who was I talking to? There was no one in the room. I took out my matches again. I began to light the candles again. I lit the candle in the corner again, but one candle at the window went out. I lit a candle next to the door and the one by the bed. But then four candles all went out at once in all the corners of the room. I lit another match and stood and watched.

Another two candles went out. I let out a cry. I dropped the matches and picked up* a candle. The candle in my hand burned* brightly. This was better: matches were too slow. I ran around and lit the candles in the room with the candle in my hand, but they all went out seconds later. I lit one and another two went out. I ran from candle to candle, corner to corner; and all the time, the darkness and shadows closed in on me. Now I was afraid.

I could not see. I ran and hit my leg on the table and fell. I let go of my candle and it went out. I stood up and got another. I turned around quickly and the candle went out again. Just then, the last two candles in the room went out. Now the only light in the room came from the fire. I moved towards the fire with my candle ready – and the fire went out too.



*went out – stopped shining, extinguished

*just – only, simply

*a match – a short, thin piece of wood for lighting fires

*movement – action

*another – one more

*picked up – held in one’s hand and raised

*burned – was aflame